People can easily travel, physically visiting places or visually watching on the internet. Getting information is no longer difficult. But why people are getting biased, shortsighted, and criticised?
Little thoughts: The smallest step is better than no step.
A month after pushing myself to post an article per week, I am still confused but happy for the little progress.
A rambling of product development.
Here is a review of an article about 5 characteristics of a product manager, and a rambling of a garment product manager.
Rambling of attending the Taipei Fashion Week.
Rambling of attending the Taipei Fashion Week from a product manager. To see what I had done before and after the show.
Bye 2021, we are on the way to the best.
Life sucks, but whether you appreciate it or not, the show must go on. To make life more enjoyable, let me share three approaches and goals for 2022.
Hello, world!
Welcoming you to my journey to an unknown but definitely better place!